In this issue of The East African Suswatch Dog Newsletter we prime the PIPA project  implementation in East Africa with a focus on Energy as the main theme. News about the PIPA project ; how Kenya’s National Climaten Change Response Strategy (NCCRS) 2010 intended to
limit global warming to as close to 1.5°C and less than 2.0°C. Find out how Biomass resources can be used to produce both fuels and electricity in Tanzania. In the opinion dossier, find out how to successfully roll out implementation of the Paris Agreement in Uganda. You will discover one of the largest solar plants in East Africa generating 10 megawatts of energy using 8 transformers that transmits energy to Opuyo Umeme Sub-station. Also read about how Napier grass is saving
Mount Elgon forest. 

Publication Link: Newsletter-August-2017