East African Civil Society for Sustainable Energy & Climate Action (EASE-CA project Partners); JEEP, UCSD in Uganda, SusWatch and TaTEDO in Kenya and Tanzania respectively; members of INFORSE NGO Cooperation, supported by CISU, Denmark provided inputs for Catalogue of local climate sustainable energy solutions, following an agreed template and with solutions sorted according to functions. The Catalogue is made for people that need cleaner and better energy and other needs for their life and for development in climate friendly an affordable ways. The EASE-CA catalogue comprise of successful local solutions for better energy use in:
- Cooking (Improved cookstoves for charcoal, improved cookstoves for firewood, cookstove biogas, solar cookers hey boxes, e-cookers).
- Cooking Fuels (charcoal making, Brickets of charcoal, saw dust, fuel wood planting).
- Light, Electricity (light solar lanterns, solar home system, Renewable energy minigrids and multifunctional platforms).
- Water (Rain water harvesting and use, improved wells and water savings).
- Growing food, oils (Kitchen gardening, Organic vegetables for market, Agro-forestry and products from trees).
- Transport (Animals for farming and transport, Electro mobility, bicycles)
EASE-CA Catalogue presents local solutions which are popular in East Africa used by at least more than 1000 people. The Catalogue provide details on social and economic benefits of the technology, costs for construction, lifespan, problems and limitations, motivation for success, contribution to climate effect, financing models, business models and short video on construction and how does it work. The Catalogue was edited and made available electronically for mobile appliances (phones and computers) as well as in off-line version that can be used on computer or mobile phone without internet access, and as a printed catalogue.
The Catalogue seeks to address climate problems and is being promoted throughout the three countries through local and national mass media, as well as via internet, social media, events, and student volunteers. The catalogue was launched on 11th December 2020 in occasion of the 5-year anniversary of the Paris Agreement and it will be updated by partners as long as possible.
For more information: Visit the following sites
http://localsolutions.inforse.org/ or www.suswatchkenya.org