UCSD is a network of more than 50 NGOs dedicated to coordinate advocacy and lobby work around issues and commitments made by world governments

About Us

The UCSD is a network or more than 40 NGOs dedicated to coordinate advocacy and lobby work around issues and commitments made by world governments towards sustainable development, inspired by the Rio+ 10 project (Civil Society project for preparation of the Johannesburg Summit of 2002).

The UCSD was registered in November 2004 as an NGO (Reg. No. S5914/5345). Since its inception in 2001, UCSD has actively participated in Uganda Civil Society preparations for the Johannesburg Summit on sustainable development;

In 2006 – 2009, under the umbrella of the East African SusWatch Network, UCSD has been working with Tanzania Coalition for Sustainable Development and Kenya SusWatch Network to implement the East African Civil Society Watchdog Project for Sustainable Development in the Lake Victoria basin (2006 – 2009) with support from Sida (Phase I). One of the key achievements has been preparation of information communication and education materials for awareness raising and advocacy. One of these has been the Civil Society Watchdog Discussion Paper series aimed to influence technocrats and decision-makers involved in the East African Cooperation (especially Lake Victoria basin development) over a wide range of issues including climate change adaptation, solid waste management, among others. Another Phase of engagement is expected to start later this year.

The Vision

The Vision of the Coalition is humanity sharing the resources of our planet in a Sustainable manner guided by the principles of universal justice as set in Rio and subsequent summits.


Mission is to contribute to sustainable development through follow up of the Johannesburg summit outcomes and subsequent global declarations in Uganda.

Development Objective

To increase the public participation and civil society network’s advocacy in order to influence and enhance implementation of national, regional and International levels of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation