Strengthening the Advocacy Role of Local Communities in the LVB on NRM -2015

The project focused on Advocacy on Natural Resource Management in the River Nyando Basin, through increasing the role of local people in decision-making and managing their natural resources, this project aimed at improving local livelihoods’ and establishment of sustainable processes for transparent and participatory decision-making in the lake Victoria Region, thereby enhancing the development of policies based on the needs of the local population.
The project therefore seeked to emphasize the need to strengthen advocacy by further capacity building local Community groups in order to hold government responsible in Key Decision making in Natural Resource Management.
The target groups were CSOs, CBOs, experts in Policy and natural resource management and the county governments in the Nyando River Basin i.e. Kisumu, Nandi, Kericho and Homabay.

Project objective:
To provide a forum for lobbying, advocacy, engagement and information dissemination for improved governance and management of natural resources in the Lake Victoria Basin.
Some of the problems the project seeked to address are:

Lack of inclusion of local communities in key decision-making activities

Low capacity of the local organizations and non-state actors to provide access to information on climate change impacts and adaptation to the local people due to insufficient support

Inadequate community involvement in Natural Resource Management

Low public participation especially the vulnerable groups i.e. women and youth, in policy development, implementation and monitoring;

The devolution process provides a new chance to seek alternatives to these pressing problems and implement sustainable solutions.

The project achieved:

Increased local community awareness and participation in Climate Change and NRM Policy development processes

Momentum created and Sustained for enhanced public advocacy and engagement in Natural Resources Management 

Environmentally sustainable community Driven Initiatives for poverty alleviation promote